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Tosia is a very cheerful girl, who suffers from a rare, genetically determined syndrome of congenital defects (Pfeiffer or Cruzon syndrome - awaiting for genetic testing confirmation).
The main feature is called “kraniokinostoza” -overgrown cranial sutures, which cause distortion of the head, while the middle part of the face is underdeveloped with the characteristic exophthalmos eyeballs. Additionally Tosia’s thumbs are enlarged and distorted. Described syndrome of genetic defects is a rare disease. In one year in Poland just a few children are born with this defect. Treatment of this syndrome is very long and requires multiple operations, as well as the cooperation of specialists in various fields of medicine (such as the surgeon,the craniofacial surgeon, neurosurgeon, otorhinolaryngologist, orthodontist). The most important and the most difficult is the skull operation. It is based on  separation the lobes of the skull and increasing its size, another one is to deepen the eye sockets in the first year of life and "pushing out" along with center correction, underdeveloped properly and the "concaved” part of the face in age of approx. 9 years. Without these operations Tosia will be sentenced to limited development of the brain, which can lead to mentally handicap. Hands operation is based on the correction of their construction. The aim is to improve activity of the thumb and its palm functions. Tosia will take a long and extremely tough fight for health. She needs numerous consultations and many complex and expensive operations. At this time Tosia is under care of neurosurgical, ophthalmology, ENT, cardiac, neurological and rehabilitation clinic. Girl is waiting for the toughest fight of health and life - one of the three stages of head operation, which will enable normal development of the brain. Professor Leszek Sagan will enlarge the skull so the brain will have space to grow and Tosia chances for a normal development. The operation will be carried out in the SPS ZOZ "ZDROJE" in Szczecin. Tosia together with her parents want to fight for her health and life. We believe that they will win. However, apart from the whole series of operations, the girl needs long-term treatment, rehabilitation and ongoing consultation of many specialists. Craniofacial surgery is possible in the Specialist Hospital in Philadelphia, but its cost reaches about 300 thousand dollars. It is the cost of the operation, accommodation in the US for Tosia and her Mom and of course early rehabilitation. Distraction middle part of the face (Lefort III) is a complicated operation, during which a special appliance is  put on, so that during the following weeks the middle part will be stretched out. The costs of all activities are enormous and we cannot cope without your help.

By joining forces, we can accomplish much more. First of all, give Tosia a beautiful life !!












Antonina Olszewska- Tosia

Górsk, ul. Prosta 29, 87-134 Zławieś Wielka

KRS 0000538743    NIP 879 267 69 63    REGON 360536090


BANK PEKAO 90 1240 1936 1111 0010 6156 2735

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